Sunday, December 28, 2008

8 Days of Chanukkah - Day 8: Adam Sandler Chanukkah Song

Chanukkah wouldn't be complete without this classic.

Part 2

And Part 3 from Saturday Night Live

Saturday, December 27, 2008

8 Days of Chanukkah - Day 7: Dreidel Songs

A coulple versions of everyone's favorite song:

The (Disney Animal Sequel) Dreidel Song
[This has to be seen to be believed.]

The South Park Dreidel Song
It's not animated, but still worth it.

I Had a Little Dreidl 80's version
What could possible explain this? Is it a joke? Serious? I'm scared and confused, but it sure is funny.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Thursday, December 25, 2008

8 Days of Chanukkah - Day 5: Hanukkah with Bill Goldberg

The Man Show and a professional wrestler bring us some Chanukkah holiday and humor.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

8 Days of Chanukkah - Day 4: My Menorah

Perhaps the single best performance by a singing menorah...

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

8 Days of Chanukkah - Day 3: Ckhanunnhakah

The title may be wrong, but it is a really hard word to spell...

Sunday, December 21, 2008

8 Days of Chanukkah - Day 1: Chanukkah Hey Ya

An old classic, combining a modern pop song and an ancient holiday:

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Trailer for Making Trouble

"Making Trouble, the new documentary about legendary funny Jewish women who broke barriers and shook the social order to make us laugh, had its world premiere at the 2007 SILVERDOCS/AFI Discovery Channel Documentary Festival. Making Trouble profiles six Jewish women who struggled and sacrificed for their fame, and who turned the old "death is easy, comedy is hard" joke completely on its head."

Molly Picon, Fanny Brice, Sophie Tucker, Joan Rivers, Gilda Radner, and Wendy Wasserstein proved that comedy is easy, being a Jewish woman in comedy is hard.

Visit the Making Trouble website at

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Jewz N The Hood

Hilarious Jewish comedy!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Tell Your Friends Tuesday

I haven't done this in a while, but I wanted to beg/plead/grovel to all of you to help spread the word about Jewish HumorTube to all your friends (and enemies). Email or IM some links around, or (even better) post a link to the site on myspace/facebook/blogs/delicious or anywhere else.


On Jewish Comedy

This is a great interview of Eugene Levy and Christopher Guest for, a website for Jewish singles. The two comedic geniuses came together in the movie "For Your Consideration" and are seen here joking about Jewish comedy. The entire interview is here.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Double Mitzvah (Lazy Shabbos)

This might be the most proud I've ever been of being in AEPi:

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Israeli MXC

For my American audience, you might be familiar with MXC, a Japanese show that is dubbed and shown on Spike TV. It involved silly physical students intended to mildly injure and humiliate the participants. Here is the homegrown Israeli version.

[I realize this is in Hebrew, but you don't have to understand what they are saying to watch people get hit in the face and knocked into a pool. I only speak a little Hebrew (Ani madeber katsat ivrit) and I still thought it was hilarious.)

Friday, July 4, 2008

Colbert Report: New Israeli National Bird and Kosher Giraffes

The Colbert Report is great, and this is a really hilarious video.

(via Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Driving in Israel

I don't have a car, but this sort of thing doesn't surprise me (both the problem and the solutions).

[I meant to put this up yesterday but I accidentally posted it to the wrong blog. I guess that's what having two blogs that begin with "Jewish" can cause...]

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Funny Hummus Israeli Video

We're going to the shuk (outdoor market) tomorrow to get some cheap Hummus, so here is a funny video to go along with it.

Friday, June 27, 2008

I'm Back

Sorry about the not-so-daily posting. I just finished moving to Jerusalem and it took me a couple of days to get settled in to my new apartment and find some nearby wireless internet. I should be back with regular updates now.

"The Hebrew Mamita" from the film "The Tribe"

More, from her website, here.

Friday, May 30, 2008


The Chosen Book for the Chosen People! By Bryan Fogel and Sam Wolfson from Hachette Book Group.
A VidLit Production.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Fast Bris

A humorous tribute to a milestone in the life of Jewish males.

Jesus and the Jew

Hey, look, it's interfaith day on Jewish HumorTube. Providing quality Jewish humor for Jews and gentiles.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Crazy Jewish Father

I saw this on YouTube but I can't turn the volume up right now, and although I have no idea what they are saying, it looks like it's funny... [You're welcome to scold me in comment if it's not funny, or if you're feeling helpful, you can post links to funny stuff you would like me to post.]

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

(Movie Monday) Hebrew Hammer

If you haven't seen this yet, go check it out. It's the best (only?) Jewsploitation movie out there.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Miriam & Shoshana: Hardcore Jewish Chicks

Yesterday we got a little racy up in here with the Orthodox Girls Gone Wild, and today it's time for some frum ladies who are as hardcore as they come.

P.S. If you think this is hilarious as I do (and I watched it 3 times) share it with some of the hardcore Jewish chicks that you know.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Orothodox Jewish Girls Gone Wild

In honor of shabbas, it's some wild and crazy girls acting wild and crazy!

Friday, May 23, 2008

The JPhone

I know people have been getting excited about the upcoming iphone 2.0 but this Jewish version looks much better:

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Funny Jewish Inventions

Hilarious video of a writer from the Jay Leno show showing off his awesome Jewish inventions. I would say he's the Jewish version of Carrot Top, but this guy is actually funny.

Moden Day Exodus

This is an Israeli commercial so it's in Hebrew, but you don't have to understand what they are saying to get the joke.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Tell a Friend Tuesday

Are you loving some Jewish HumorTube? Well, I bet your friends would love it just as much!

I would really appreciate it if you could share some links to the main site itself or any posts with videos you particularly like. If you could send an email, pass along an IM, post a link on facebook, or anything else you can do to help get the word out about Jewish HumorTube, I really appreciate it.

Many more funny videos to come!

Monday, March 17, 2008


This is absolutely hilarious (and I haven't even seen the movie they are making fun of).

Thursday, March 13, 2008

I would see this movie!

A retarded Jewish alcoholic in Nazi Europe whose puppy has cancer. It has Oscar written all over it.

(via Andrew Sullivan)

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Modern Day Jesus

Every wonder what Jesus would be like if he was still alive wandering the earth, trying to pick up Jewish girls...

P.S. I got the video from JewTube, which is the Jewish version of YouTube. It's new, so it doesn't have as many videos yet, but you should check it out.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Peter Pretends to be Jewish [Family Guy]

One of the many Jewish jokes from Family Guy. Let me know if you like this in comments, and I'll post some more.

[And since I'm sure all the writers are Jewish, it's totally cool...]

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Sarah Silverman Jewish Humor

Jews own comedy, and one of the it-girls at the moment is Sarah Silverman, one of my personal favorites, and hopefully your too. I've got a couple clips below, including one of her most famous (Jesus is magic), so leave a message if you like it, and I'll post more in the future.

Jews and Blacks

Give the Jew Girl Toys

My Boyfriend Is Catholic